
Do you know how to spot mold in your bathroom and how to remove mold from your home?

Is Your House Excessively Humid?

A relative humidity level greater than 55% promotes mold growth. Use a humidifier with relative humidity controls. If you suspect your humidity levels are high, then use a de-humidifier.

Outdoor ventilating of appliances such as bathroom fans, dryer, and kitchen exhaust is optimal in reducing humidity levels.

And if your windows are fogged up on the inside, there’s a good chance you’ve got a humidity problem.

Finally, don’t forget to check your basement or crawl space. These areas have higher humidity than the rest of the house and are often neglected areas.

Be alert for stains that appear yellowish; these can indicate excessive moisture.

Look for stains on window sills or window case, stains at the roof line or the roof eaves, stained stucco, stains behind wallpaper or faded wallpaper.

Pull up a corner of the carpet and look for any stains there.

Check the dust in the HVAC return air vents and check for stains in grouting.

Take note of any water intrusion and look for signs of mold around those areas.

Water and pipe leaks and flooding, particularly when they lead to dampness for long periods of time, are potential invitations for mold and other fungi growth.

A roof that leaks or a basement flood may be detected by stains on the basement walls, attic ceilings or the ceiling on the top floor.

Look for walls that are bowing or have rusting nail heads.

Excessive moisture can cause dry wall to bow.

Also, if the nail heads are showing through and getting rusty or the paint is peeling, you can be sure that there is too much moisture in your home.

Peeling or cracked paint provide points of entry for mold to get into your walls and start growing.

Be aware of new, or unusual odors.

Mildew and musty odors can be a sign of mold in places that may not visible.

Just because you can’t see it on the wall or the floor doesn’t mean the mold isn’t growing behind it.

Take note of more frequent cases of colds or allergies.

If the people living in your home seem to be having more incidences of respiratory illnesses (colds, allergies, etc…), you may have mold problem.

People who suffer from allergies or have a history of respiratory problems are especially sensitive to mold. 

Take note of signs of Toxic Poisoning.

Toxic poisoning happens when fungi, like black mold, produce volatile organic compounds.

It can cause headaches, dizziness, difficulty in concentrating, and a short attention span.

If you see any of these signs, don’t hesitate to get help. Mold does NOT get better by itself. In fact, it gets worse.

The experts at Morgan Basement Waterproofing will provide a free inspection and estimate and will sit down with you to determine the best way to give you a clean, dry, and mold-free basement. Call us today at 877.401.4777 to schedule an appointment.