How to Spot Mold

How to Spot Mold

Do you know how to spot mold in your bathroom and how to remove mold from your home? Is Your House Excessively Humid? A relative humidity level greater than 55% promotes mold growth. Use a humidifier with relative humidity controls. If you suspect your humidity levels...

Do You Need A Waterproofer?

Do You Need A Waterproofer? Over the last 20 years, there have been a series of technological advances in the construction industry and its adjunct waterproofing services. Mostly, it has been in the use of advanced materials and new systems. They have varying costs,...

Mold Removal

Mold is everywhere; mold removal is important, even if seems it is for the most part harmless. Walking through the park or into an office building exposes a healthy person to this organism. Most of these spores do nothing and a few specially grown strains such as...

Waterproofing for Winter

Winter is approaching fast. We know how rough and cold winter in the Philadelphia area will be. Heavy rains, freezing temperatures, snow, sleet – it makes for treacherous conditions on the outside, as well as inside your home. Sure, your starting to think about...

Crawl Space Vapor Barrier

Crawl Space Tips A quick and easy way to help alleviate a wet crawl space is to place a Vapor Barrier on the walls of the space. This will help with waterproofing the crawl space area. Here’s a link to FamilyHandyMan.com that will walk you through how to install...